Welcome to the fourth instalment in the fabulous series of 'The Tales of the Magic Piano' set in the beautiful Forests of the Shrew. This story unfolds simultaneously with the first tale in the series when Soren Sorensen, an energetic shrew and guardian of the crystal waters of Subter Terram, leaves his post to travel home.
Upon his return, a great celebration ensues before Soren and his best friend, Horatio, the owl, find themselves trying to eradicate the mystical vials of pure essence, a powerful time-travelling substance which allows them to leap between time dimensions.
All the while, the evil Grand Wizard of Balthazar seeks to destroy them and the time-travellers who have managed to avoid his sorcery. With the aid and protection of Queen Shoshana, the Shaman of Sashebah and the wise oracle owls of the forest, Soren, Horatio and the evergreen General Alchador rise above the many challenges that should see their demise.
Meanwhile, the inevitable conflict of a final battle looms on the horizon as the evil wizard seeks to rule Meadhonach with an iron fist. In the heady days preceding this seismic confrontation, King Selwyn, the king of the shrew, marches upon the heavily gated walls of Castille. Would the shrew king defeat the wicked wizard or would sanity prevail? Finally, would peace come to the beautiful Forests of the Shrew? This book contains the words to fifty three original songs.
I hope you enjoy the fourth instalment in this remarkable series -- 'The Forests of the Shrew'. For further reading behind the inspiration of this remarkable series, go to my blog post.