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Zorn, Hunter and warrior

Welcome to my fourth series titled 'Zorn Hunter and Warrior'. This series is set on the incredible planet of Sharquill Jeron in the Vertis Pelago constellation in the year approximately 13,000 A.D. Zorn, son of Skoll, is a Medulkhan humanoid, a beastly warrior, hunter and avenger of the Sharitarian clan.

With the help of his mighty warrior bear, Bolshkar, Jynx, the alpha-male wolf and the amazing golden orb eagles, Zorn is a powerful threat to the beastly Blizzard Wizards from the south.

War is imminent. The Covenant of Valencia is broken. Enraged by this state of affairs, Lord Salzaquoy, the fire-breathing devil wizard from the east, sends his armies west to counter the threat. Meanwhile, the Oracle, a mysterious, Elven warrior seeks his revenge upon them all.


Would Zorn and his courageous  bounty-hunting animals lead the Medulkhan warriors to freedom? Or would the warrior wizards take over the planet? I hope you enjoy 'Zorn Hunter and Warrior'. Please go to my blog for the inspiration behind Zorn, Hunter and Warrior.

Sharquill Jeron (5)
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zorn and chikawi
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Zorn, Way of the Warrior


 Death to the Wizards


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